As promised

A while back I asked if you thought it would be wrong to encourage ill-mannered behavior that I am ultimately going to abolish if I can encourage it just long enough to get it on video?

I did, and I did.

I think I gave it a little too much buildup, but it felt like a good day’s work when I got that on tape, strategically timed when Will was at nursery school so that he didn’t hear me encouraging Henry to say, well, watch and see.*

I won’t say it, because “we don’t say those words.” You’ll just have to watch.

*What word did you THINK I meant? Honestly!

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22 Responses to “As promised”

  1. Maggie Says:

    That is too funny!

  2. itsallabouthallie Says:

    OMG That is so funny!

  3. MelodyA. Says:

    OK, so how do you now de-poopyhead him?

    He’s is absolutely adorable.

  4. sdh Says:

    Love it. H is too cute!

  5. Chelle Says:

    Both my husband and I have watched this video and have determined that it is indeed, super cute and hilarious! So SOB next? Maybe you can get that one in a single take…

  6. The Casual Perfectionist Says:

    That’s hilarious!! (And, don’t worry…my daughter falls out chairs in slow motion, too. It’s so hard to explain to people how that happens, and you got it on video!) 😉

  7. JenBun Says:

    Gah, he is SO cute!!! Spending extra time with my niece and then seeing him… I ALMOST want one now. Give me a couple years– I’ll definitely have one by then! 😉

    I just learned (by being told sternly by my niece) that we are not supposed to say “butt.” She likes to say “boooooooooooooooooty”– where do they learn these things?!? 😀

  8. Mike Says:

    LOVE this.

  9. Shannon Says:

    I’m speachless. 😀

    hee hee hee

  10. Christina Says:

    Hahaha, now I totally see why you had to capture this. I can’t stop snickering.

  11. elizabethews Says:

    Oh, it makes me giggle. The slow fall is the funniest part, I think. Good stuff….

  12. Molly Says:

    My coworker just asked me if I was ok because I was laughing out loud at my desk. The slow fall is the BEST.

  13. B. Says:

    Will there be a sequel…

  14. carrievoris Says:

    We’ll never tell…that is so funny!

  15. Lucia Says:

    That is so adorable. That is a favorite word in our house but it comes from my 4 year old instead. I spend most of the day telling him that we don’t use that word, unfortunately I have so far failed to be very effective.

  16. Sarah G now B Says:

    That is a riot!!

  17. Sarah Says:

    love it! and very nice editing, too.

  18. Nicki Says:

    Wow, he sure likes to say Poopyhead! I wish Poopyhead was the worst thing Little Bear has repeated!

  19. themommykelly Says:

    OMGoodness! too cute.

  20. cdp Says:

    Oh, em, gee. Seriously, that is the cutest thing ever. It’s okay to find the humor in these things, I say. Last night Mark and I had to run into the other room to hide our laughter when all the kids tried to gang up on me in defense of Benjamin (after he got in trouble and I threatened to end play time early). “DON’T YOU TALK TO MY BROTHER LIKE THAT!”

    ps you have mad web skilz, i r jealous

  21. thelandofka Says:

    OMG Funny! He’s so cute saying “that word”, too. 🙂

  22. Two years already! « Hank & Willie Says:

    […] to say, “Blesh you, Mama!” Or Daddy or Wo-Wo. Your sweet voice makes us laugh as you earnestly repeat everything around […]

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