How to Charm Me

Henry, 27 months

1. Tell me, in breathless, painstaking detail, what you had for lunch at school that day when I pick you up. You know, the lunch I made you that morning. “I gotta peach, Mama! And noodles!”

2. Refer to the skin of the peach as the “wrapper” and the pit as the “pinecone.”

3. Announce your latest injury in terms of public awareness, not because you need me to do something about it. “I got bloods, mama. I okay!”

4. When presented with a favorite food, clap your hands and say, “I LOVE it!”

5. Tell me, “Mama? I a lucky boy.”

You sure are, Henry. We are, too.

What a nut. Yes, those are kid’s garden gloves, a firehat, a beaded necklace, a kid’s saw, a kid’s drill and a kid’s thermometer in this photo. And a giant hole in the foot of his pajamas. He’s clearly a multitasker with an ability to accessorize!

The photo up top is my Best Shot Monday, for more, go to Tracey Clark’s site!

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23 Responses to “How to Charm Me”

  1. B. Says:

    he’s so awesome

  2. megan Says:

    kids dressed up in their own finery are my favorite — they really know how to accessorize :).

  3. Heidi Says:

    He IS a charmer! I love it when my kids play dress up.

  4. Jayne Says:

    Anna, are your kids just awesome or what?

  5. JenBun Says:

    That would totally charm me too! He’s a cutie! 🙂

  6. Joanna Says:

    That first shot is great. At that age, they could say just about anything in their cute little way and charm me!

  7. christinanicole Says:

    I always love your “charm me” posts! They charm me, too. And that first photo? Love it

  8. Michelle Says:

    So cute! Dante loves to accessorize, too – I wonder if it’s a 2-year-old thing? I think I have a picture of him wearing my headband, Gabe’s sunglasses and my watch, and holding the frame of a springform pan around his waist like a hula hoop.

  9. bunny Says:

    He is absolutely precious! That last picture made me smile on my morning commute this AM for sure! 🙂

  10. Mike Says:

    Wait until he’s in high school (or even sooner). He keeps this up and you aren’t going to be the only woman he’s charming! 😉

  11. Sara Says:

    I love how serious he looks in that first picture; serious and handsome!

  12. Rachel Brooke Says:

    That first image is adorable – he could easily melt a heart!

  13. Princess Extraordinaire Says:

    He is ADORABLE! SO pensive in the first pic!

  14. thelandofka Says:

    Oh, he charms me too! I love his accessories – he’s just too adorable!

  15. Sheila Says:

    Urgh. You are going to have the most amazing log of memories. Will you write a blog for MY family?

  16. itsallabouthallie Says:

    I love it! Mike is right though wait until he is a little older and he will charm other girls!! OH BOY!!

  17. carrievoris Says:

    Times 100!
    God, I love him.

  18. golightly Says:

    How adorable! A great shot of who he is.

  19. applecyder Says:

    Goodness is he adorable. I love that he knows that he is a lucky boy!

  20. Erin Says:

    There is absolutely nothing cuter than this little man. He has won my heart!

  21. Maggie Says:

    Oh my heavens, could he be ANY cuter?! Those eyes…oh, those beautiful brown eyes he has… Goodness, how can you ever say no to that face?!

  22. Maya Says:

    Wow! That last outfit is killer!!! Could he be any more adorable?

  23. Jes Says:

    Too cute!!

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