TenEyck Tuesday

I’ve got wads of photos to post and stories to tell, including new photos my sister sent of the twins, and dang, they are cute little things, completely OFF all breathing support if you can believe it. Today they hit a big milestone, 32 weeks gestation, though I’m not sure you can call it that when they have been ex-utero for ten days. Photos coming soon, I promise!

But. In the thick of all this I went off to spend the day with the lovely Carla TenEyck at her studio, where she taught an all-day photography workshop. We had a blast, and learned a lot despite shooting in the pouring rain for hours and then doing lots and lots of quality critique. Plus it was Cinco de Mayo and Carla COOKED…yum. Pozole, plus we had guac and salsa, and girl scout cookies and brownies…like I said, yum.


One of the day’s models, Strider.


Our shooting goals were in learning to see differently, and looking for beauty where you might not expect it.


We found it in the lovely Amanda of Orchard Cove Photography, who was our very patient model (and guardian of Strider).


Participating in the seminar with me was the always amazing Bruce Plotkin, Nicolette Theriault and twin mama/photographer Stacy Tarlow. We had a fantastic time.



She’s looking at Strider, of course.



Bruce shooting Amanda. His stuff was DREAMY.


We all seemed to work dandelions into our shooting assignments.


I thought they went well with diamonds.


Leave it!

He did.




Thank you, amazing Carla (and Amanda and Strider!) for a fantastic day of fun, learning and food. I highly recommend other photographers of all skill levels think about this one.

It’s a terrific, creative day, and you won’t regret it!

Ten Eyck Tuesdays

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16 Responses to “TenEyck Tuesday”

  1. Stacy T Says:

    love it!!! anna – you are amazing. i hope we keep in touch. and if i ever get a wedding, you’re my second shooter!!!

  2. Molly Says:

    These are fab, Anna. (And personally, I think everything goes with diamonds!)

  3. B. Says:


  4. AML Says:

    Love them all, but especially the second to last one where Strider is really communicating with me! Makes me miss Palie. Can’t wait to catch up – Eva is done and we wondered if we could entice you to coffee next week?

  5. Karen Says:

    Those are beautiful, Anna. The detail on that dandelion is incredible — enough to distract me from the diamonds, even!

  6. carla ten eyck Says:

    Anna! You were such a pleasure to have in the class- I am really looking forward to meeting up with you again!

    thanks for your positive attitude and energy!

  7. Jess K. Says:

    Gorgeous Anna – you, too, are dreamy!

  8. Christina Says:

    Awesome stuff, Anna! Looks like such a wonderful time full of inspiration and fun. LOVE both of the dandelion shots, and the dog ignoring the cookies in front of his nose? Wow, I’m impressed. So glad you’ve gotten to participate in some photo seminars.

  9. Maria Says:

    wow! especially love the shot of the women laughing so hard you see those great expression lines/and then the really blurred background! Just a great moment you captured. All of them great! You are already a bird in flight.

  10. Chelle Says:

    Totally into the puppy love. Sounds like an amazing day!


  11. Amanda Herzberger (Orchard Cove) Says:

    These are SO fun – thank you so much! Of course I’m partial to the ones of my handsome dog but you just did such a nice job overall 🙂

  12. Eileen Broderick Says:

    Wow! Nice shots! All of ’em. Aren’t Amanda and Strider the sweetest? She is one exceptional Doggie Mama. I love the shots you got of Amanda laughing and then smiling down at Strider–she looks gorgeous. And the rings with the dandelions are beautiful.

  13. Chrissy Says:

    Great photos! It looks like a nice day. I really like the dandelions too! And Strider makes a great model. 🙂

  14. Carrie Roseman Photography Says:

    Great photos, Anna! Looks like everyone had such a fun time…and you captured Amanda and Strider’s spirits well!

  15. Cristen Says:

    It looks like you all had a great time! Great images!

  16. Katy + Frank: Married in Mystic « Hank & Willie Says:

    […] since I have a wedding today, and things are going to be a little damper. But, that’s what red umbrellas are for, […]

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