Martha, Martha, Martha

So my professional cook college friend is in New York this week for her birthday, on a delicious tour of New York eateries, like Tom Calicchio of Top Chef’s Craftsteak. Yum.

But this morning, on her actual birthday, she and her girlfriend are part of the studio audience for the taping of the Martha Stewart Show, how fun is that!

So since it is kind of a Martha Stewart day and I promised you photos from my trip (And trust me, you don’t want them all at once—leaves! kids! leaves! kids!), here are a few snaps from last week’s farmers’ market in Bar Harbor, Maine, where Martha was filming a segment of her TV show.



Martha fans may recognize, from left to right, Stewart pooches Francesca, Paw-Paw and Sharkey. Will (that’s my boy!) can name all of Martha’s dogs, and likes Sharkey and Paw-Paw best, Sharkey because of his name, and Paw-Paw “because he looks like a lion.”


Here’s Martha doing a segment on the Smith Family Organic Dairy Farm. We LOVE their yogurt. Try it if you are in the area.


But this was my favorite part of the celebrity sighting—I just knew she would be a Canon girl. Help me out, photo geeks, is that a 5D with a battery grip or a “1D Mark-whatever-I’m-a-billionaire-so-I-can-buy-a-pro-camera-for-fun?”

And just because a few of you asked about foliage, here’s a little something to tide you over until I get my photos up. I know absolutely NOTHING about taking landscapes and nature photos, so just a snap shot, but you get the idea. Leaves! Kids tomorrow.


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18 Responses to “Martha, Martha, Martha”

  1. Molly Says:

    Martha! Sigh…can’t she come here?

  2. Clink Says:

    Martha! MY WEDDING GODDESS. Love her.

    And mmmmmmmmm Craftsteak. Amazing. (Is it bad that I have a crush on Tom Colicchio? Because I do. A minor one.)

  3. B. Says:

    Nice pics.

    Do you think Canon paid Martha to carry around that camera?

  4. itsallabouthallie Says:

    I love Martha! Sounds like a lot of fun! Nice pictures!

  5. Lisa Says:

    That made me erupt in a string of curses. Hahaha. I’m drugged, so take no offense. It’s not you, it’s Martha. I think that’s a 1D Mark II. Mostly because if it’s a 1Ds I might cry. And look what’s coming out on December 10! *Drool*

  6. Anna Says:

    Well THAT made me erupt in a string of curses, looking at that link! Sigh.
    Maybe Canon will pay US to carry those around, Lisa.

  7. cdp Says:

    Sigh . . . I lurve Maine.

    Great pics! And I love that your son knows the dog’s names. How awesome is that?!

  8. amy Flood Says:

    Anna. i’m starting to worry that you are stalking martha stewart! 😉

  9. Stacy Says:

    Wow, bumping elbows with the notorious Martha! I’m impressed! As to her camera, I am a Nikon aficionado so I can’t help you there. Can’t wait to see the kiddos! and the leaves! 🙂

  10. Kim Says:

    What fun! Those are some terrific shots!

  11. sdh Says:

    do you think the show your friend saw taped will be on tomorrow? i will watch and look for her in the audience (i am pretty sure i know who it is)!
    i heart martha. i love her new commercials with Tim Gunn.

    but yes, more kid pics please!

  12. Chelle Says:

    GDFSB… (String of curses over the 1D Mark III link. Funny story about the string. Have to tell you some day.) Anyhow, think I might sell my soul for a Canon like that one.

    I was set to purchase a new digital before year’s end and then we bought 4 roundtrip tickets to the Midwest last-minute (Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch!) So, I get to drool for another year.


  13. Anna Says:

    LOVE the new commercials with Tim Gunn! I am not sure if it will air tomorrow or not, I will find out if I can reach her. I should have tivoed it today!

  14. mikesgotnothin Says:

    So is this the point where I admit to having a secret crush on Martha ages ago? And by ages I mean like 10 years. I’d say that, but I’m probably more shocked that Will can name Martha’s dogs.

  15. Anna Says:

    He got to play with them, that is why he can name them! Not like from afar as a stalker thing. Seriously.

  16. melody is Slurping Life Says:

    He played with Martha’s dogs? What a charmed life.

    Love the shots and can’t wait for more leaves, leaves, leaves. I noticed someone mentioned the new Canon…21 mega pixel…street cost about $8,000 if I remember correctly…gulp…dream…sigh…

  17. Brittany Says:

    Ohhh Martha! How exciting!!

  18. RIP, Paw Paw « Hank & Willie Says:

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