And so the snow


We went to Vermont in search of snow, and found plenty of it. In case you were looking for yours, it’s up there in the Green Mountain State.

We enjoyed winter playtime, visiting with family, newborn cows, including a three-day-old one named Arabella, delicious food and a stop at baker’s mecca.

But for today, my Best Shot Monday is this contented pair of bovines. Click over to Tracey’s for more Best Shot Monday!


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15 Responses to “And so the snow”

  1. MelodyA. Says:

    I think I can even hear them say, “Cheese!”

  2. JenBun Says:

    What a great picture– it looks like such an idyllic, pastoral, winter setting– the red barn, the blue shadows on the white snow, the rough planks of the fence, and the almost liquid quality of the eyes on those beautiful beasties!

    I guess California isn’t the ONLY place for happy cows! =)

  3. thelandofka Says:

    Yep, they are saying cheese. 😉 Nice shot and great colors. We have our fair share of snow here, so alas, I wish we had to go looking for it! Funny, I have animals in the snow today, too!

  4. Maggie Says:

    I love it! I can’t believe they held still for you to get their picture…how considerate of them!

  5. Bonnie Says:

    Oh how cool !! I love it !

  6. cdp Says:

    Yeah, I’m digging the cows as well. And the snow. We don’t get much of that around here. Well really we don’t get any, come to think of it. Le sigh.

  7. kcancio Says:

    What a cool pic. For a second they looked like Siamese cows. I love the color!

  8. megan Says:

    they look so pleased to be having their photos taken. love the colors!

  9. Christina Says:

    Aha, THAT’s where my snow is this winter!!! I agree with Kim- looked like siamese cows at first glance. LOL!

  10. Rosey Says:

    Look at those cows! I love this picture. Gosh, I love red barns against white snow. Great color.

  11. Ashley Says:

    we were in VT last weekend and on my god there is so much snow! they got over 4 feet in burlington since december. makes for great snowboarding.

  12. B. Says:


  13. Crunchy Domestic Goddess Says:

    sounds like a nice little trip. 🙂 love the cows and the color in that barn is gorgeous.

  14. katy Says:

    i’m going to VT tomorrow! i need to pack! i need to print out my googlemap for the king arthur flour flagship store. what a great idea.

    did you also stop at the cheesemaking supply store near northampton?

  15. arizaphale Says:

    What an atmospheric shot. I miss snow. I used to live in the imaginatively named ‘Snowy Mountains’ in NSW. Not so many cows though. Lots of wallabies.

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