Oh right, the blog

Sorry about that little unintentional hiatus. My to-do list this week, no matter where I keep it, keeps getting longer, not shorter and I haven’t found the Web 2.0 app to fix that yet. Any ideas?

* * *

Dear Henry,

I know you hear me sighing a lot about how you aren’t a little baby any more, and how you are SO CLOSE to being two and won’t it be sad when both my babies are officially not babies anymore.

So maybe you stayed awake and cried from 11:30 p.m. to 2:30 a.m. just to remind me what it feels like to have newborn in the house?

Thanks, sweetie pie. I’m all set on that memory now.



P.S. By the way, you just ended any chance you ever had of getting a little sister. Because, holy crap, I am TIRED today.

P.P.S. Happy 21 months today!

* * *

Oh, and what was that about a new camera? This week has become so busy you don’t even get a preview from the new 30D, you get pictures FROM MY CELL PHONE. Enjoy. And if you’d like to borrow this little guy, say from 11:30 to 2:30 tonight, let me know, I’ll pack him a bag.


Why go down the slide the conventional way when you can climb up?


Henry defying gravity or in a free fall, depending how you look at it. (He was FINE, and I was RIGHT THERE. With my camera.)

Complete second child syndrome, I still don’t really let Will climb on this big dangerous ladder at the playground.

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16 Responses to “Oh right, the blog”

  1. Maggie Says:

    He is awfully cute – and very talented at that defying gravity bit! Hopefully tonight brings you more sleep!

  2. Jess Says:

    See, this is proof of what a great photographer you are. With a cell phone you still take amazing photos. I am jealous.

  3. itsallabouthallie Says:

    Aww…he is always welcome at our house! Pack a bag, my boys would love the sleep over! 🙂

    and you are telling me those pictures are from a cell phone! OMG! I am jealous too! Amazing!!

    hope you get some sleep tonight!

  4. B. Says:

    Nice pic of Henry learning to fly. Good thing you had your camera/phone ready to capture the moment. At least you weren’t driving…

  5. carrievoris Says:

    oh, yes. it is right around when they turn 2, too! he has so much going on in his body and brain…growing…growing…growing.

    i know that doesn’t help the sleep deprivation thing, though!

    the photos are great!!

  6. The Casual Perfectionist Says:

    I love your blog and and am always happy to see an update from your corner of the world. Here’s to a good night’s sleep!

  7. JenBun Says:

    Aww, send him my way! I’m awake then anyway! 🙂

    Great pics– sometimes you just have to take the pic, instead of catching the kid! lol

  8. crunchy domestic goddess Says:

    LOL you are too funny. hope he keeps better hours tonight. and he’s adorable, no matter what camera you use. 😉

  9. Shannon Says:

    hee hee… thanks for the wake-up giggle…. the second cup of joe just wasn’t doing the trick. 🙂

  10. Christina Says:

    Henry and Nadia must be in cahoots. She’s been waking up about a thousand times every night too. Fuuuuun.

  11. kim Says:

    wow, he is getting so big! What a cutie!

  12. Mike Says:

    Yes, apparently I have a blog, too. Of course, you know mostly why I haven’t been around…I feel like we were taking a break together.

  13. libound Says:

    Looks like a picture from our x-country trip, only we tried not to get the ground in the picture so as to look like we were dangling in an amazing free-climb of the Grand Teton! Go Henry! xoxo A.

  14. Chelle Says:

    Seriously offering up my babysitting skills for this little guy. TATH! (Too adorable to handle.)


  15. my minivan is faster than yours Says:

    Wow, you know how to load a cell phone pic to your blog? You rock the party that rocks the body!!

  16. A few changes on the way « Hank & Willie Says:

    […] then, when I got a phone with a camera (I think this was the first time I posted a cell phone picture, in 2008) and started using it all the time to illustrate the funny moments in our days, it didn’t […]

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