Go someplace else

Just for today! Read these other great bloggers and then come back and I promise I will be less busy! and more fun!  really!

Remember Mr. Nice Guy? Who quit blogging for a while, then missed us so much he came back? He came clean with his identity and has a parenting blog at Newsweek.com, I, Breeder. And he is still just as funny. And now with more gestation, as they are expecting Baby Nice Guy #2 in the family.

Speaking of more gestation, Amalah is pregnant with number two! It’s been a long time coming, as fans of Amy’s blog know. Same for Julie at A Little Pregnant, pregnant with number two via a donor egg. Which sounds so crass to just SAY like that, but folks, she has a whole BLOG about it. And other things, too, check her out.

And for lyrical, passionate, beautiful writing, try Kate at Sweet/Salty. Even her funny is just lovely. I can’t do her justice, see for yourself.

And I have to give a shout to a brand-new momma blogger, Katherine at MommaMov. She’s funny, busy busy busy and tells it like it is. Her oldest is 22 months and already has a younger sibling, which makes me swallow hard and grab the nearest table for support, because I can’t imagine Henry having a younger sibling. But then I remember that Will was 22 months when Henry showed up. How, exactly, did we survive that?

And because there is nothing like looking at crafty blogs when you are the farthest thing from crafty, check out the gorgeous quilts (and beautiful babies) at Apple Cyder and the unfathomable knitting at Yarn Harlot. Oh my.

Well anyway, that should give you something to chew on for a day.

See you soon.


1. Henry slept through the night.

2. Twice

3. We may keep him.

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6 Responses to “Go someplace else”

  1. carrievoris Says:

    Oh Henry…you keep it up boy and give Mama a rest!

  2. applecyder Says:

    Aw shucks! Thanks for the shout-out Anna. Very sweet of you. And I know there must be a crafty bone in that body somewhere–you are being modest. My little guy only just started sleeping through the night about a month ago. Its been blissful–I can’t imagine an interruption in that routine now. Go Henry!

  3. B. Says:


  4. Michelle Says:

    Oh boy, now I’m going to go and get addicted to a whole new bunch of blogs. There’s not enough time in the day for all this blog reading!

    I, too, spend a lot of time wondering how on earth we managed to survive having a 21-month-old and an infant. It’s not for the faint of heart, that’s for sure…..

  5. JenBun Says:

    Thanks for all the new distractions! 🙂

    Aww, I’m bummed that I’m not getting a kid in the mail… but yay for sleeping through the night! I bet you’re a happy mama right now!

  6. katherine Says:

    A belated “thank you” and shout out for the pop. 🙂 My traffic has gone THROUGH THE ROOF!

    You are my blogging hero!

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