Isn’t he a hottie?


My new camera and I, we’re still in the courting stage. I’m learning all about him and I’m so captivated that I don’t even mind when he leaves its socks on the floor makes me play guessing games about sRGB vs. Adobe RGB color spaces in my settings. We haven’t had a SINGLE fight yet, and we have tons in common. But every so often I realize we are still complete strangers.

Using this camera actually makes me feel like I am driving while looking down at the gearshift. Without ever looking up, since there is so much to keep me busy on the gear shift. Did you know you could make so many adjustments to one photograph? (White balance, color temperature, color space, auto focus mode, picture style, ISO, shutter speed, aperture, did I forget anything? I’m sure.)

So I can’t say I have lots to show you, and what I have today is full of flaws (OOF eyes, blown highlights–I’m sure you could find more if you looked) but I couldn’t let another Monday go by without a Best Shot Monday. So here’s what I’ve got for today, and for more BSM, click here.


First look at spring, March 12, 2008


The very patient and lovely (and very out-of-focus) Sydney, 13 months


And again in B&W

Gotta go, my camera is expecting me. I think he’s got a special date planned for us and I have no idea what I’m going to wear!

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19 Responses to “Isn’t he a hottie?”

  1. Toonsis Says:

    LOVE IT! Does you camera cheat because I would love to have a affair with it! LOL : )
    OOPS did I blog that out loud?

  2. Kim Says:

    I hope I can stop drooling soon. I SO want a new camera!

  3. Sara Says:

    awesome job!

  4. B. Says:

    Easy on the eyes!

  5. Katy Says:

    you consider that out of focus? i have never seen a clearer snap.

  6. laura Says:

    I’m jealous of the daffodils sprouting… Someday I’ll learn to use my camera (Nikon D80) — my husband knows how to use it manually, but the fanciest I can do is use the bounce flash and change the dial to macro mode!

  7. susiej Says:

    Happy New Camera!!!! He’s hot, that’s for sure. Your photos are stunning.

  8. The Lisa Show Says:

    Oh, baby. Gorgeous! Happy new camera day!

  9. thelandofka Says:

    Aww congrats on your new camera and cute shot! I’m sure you will be rocking the camera once you get that bad boy figured out. One of these days I will upgrade…so how did you convince the hubby you needed a new camera when you had a perfectly respectible one sitting there?? I need tips!

  10. Maggie Says:

    Wow!! He is gorgeous, and I am totally coveting your new hottie. Great shots – they are gorgeous!

  11. kim Says:

    OOOoooohhhh! Very nice. I think the photos you took are lovely!

  12. MelodyA. Says:

    Awesome! I can’t wait to see what you do with it!

  13. Chelle Says:

    Really luv the tones on the daffodil sprouts! Add dew or a bunny and you’ve got the definition of Spring!


  14. carrievoris Says:

    Wow…he is HOTT (double TT, for sure!)
    I can’t believe your photos are about to get EVEN better…waiting anxiously, by your blog! 🙂

  15. Mike Says:

    So, um, what happened to the old camera?

  16. L B Says:

    I am so jealous!!!!!!!! enjoy!

  17. Ashley Says:

    i just bought a new one myself! a 400d, but my first dslr. i am so damn excited i can barely focus on work.

  18. Christina Says:

    Ummm, yeah he’s hot! And I’m cheating to even say that, since I’m a Nikon gal. These “first shots” look pretty darn good to me! Have fun playing. :o)

  19. jonnymommy Says:

    I am weak with jealousy. This is the camera I want. If I wasn’t soooooo dang poor right now! Argh! The government better give us that rebate to fulfill my desires! Love the photos

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