Introducing Isabella and Andrew

I was lucky enough to visit with my sister and brother-in-law yesterday, and meet the famous twosome causing such a fuss these last few weeks. These little tykes are adjusting quite well to their strange new world, even though it is a bright blue world for them under the bili lights. Both of them are on moderate breathing support, of course—big sister Isabella is nearly breathing room air, while Andrew is misbehaving in the respiratory department and demanded a chest tube for the air leak in his lung. Typical boy. With a mostly stable start for these two, we are hoping their newborn course remains as uncomplicated as possible. Your prayers and good wishes are so welcome and appreciated, thank you all for the loving care and comfort you all have sent to my sister and her family.

But enough talk.


Kate with the evidence: baby times two!


Bili Beach–also known as the Double Blue Light Special


Andrew, styling in his protective eyewear, chin strap and CPAP snorkel.


Baby toes. Tiny and perfect. And you NICU types will appreciate how beautifully oxygenated they are!


Poor little guy—the pacifier is nearly the size of his whole face.


And the lovely Isabella. One minute older than her brother, and excelling at this newborn thing so far.


It’s so hard to tell scale in these photos, particular since I’m mostly shooting through the isolette and can’t get close. That’s mom’s wedding ring on her toe.


And if this photo doesn’t melt your heart, nothing will.

Andrew was desaturating until he grabbed his mom’s finger. After grabbing on, in just a matter of seconds, he went from 81 to 99 on the monitor.

Can’t wait to see you again, babies! We love you!

29 Responses to “Introducing Isabella and Andrew”

  1. itsallabouthallie Says:

    MELT MY HEART!! Thank you for sharing it brings back memories when my twins were in the NICU (9years ago) Best of luck to your sister and family!!!

  2. Katy Says:

    lovely, lovely. so happy for you all!

  3. Maggie Says:

    They are just lovely — and you’re right, those are some very well oxygenated and pink toes!!

  4. Erinne Says:

    Oh they are so sweet. I hope they do well in the NICU and are able to grow and breathe well soon. Such darlings.

  5. mona Says:

    sweet babies!
    wish the babies and their mom get healthy soon.

    God bless! 🙂

  6. Shannon Says:

    Through teary eyes, I am gushing.

    ABSOLUTELY beautiful pics.


  7. Suey Says:

    Welcome to the world of twinnies! They are looking great! congratulations Kate you look amazing too! xo

  8. Amily Says:

    Yeah! Congrats! Can’t wait to meet these special people.

  9. Jess Says:

    OMG so CUTE. They are BEAUTIFUL and I am wishing as hard as I can for a smooth and quick move through this time in their lives to the time when they will be ready to go home with their parents!

  10. Jen M Says:

    What absolutely precious pictures. Kiss those baby toes!

  11. applecyder Says:

    That last photo and description of what the warmth of his mom’s finger does for his health is just too much. Tears….

    Best wishes to your sister and her gorgeous family. They are so sweet.

  12. Maria Says:

    Amazing the power of the human touch (especially a child’s mom’s touch)….
    Beautiful moments that you captured on film…Please let K and D know that I am sending thoughts and prayers their way.

  13. Chelle Says:

    Your pictures paint a thousand words…

  14. Christina Says:

    That last story about Mom’s finger gave me happy shivers! What a miracle! they are precious and I’m glad we get to share in that thru you. At least you have lots of NICU experience to share!!

  15. Barb Says:

    They are beautiful! Hope and prayers that they are in their own home soon

  16. Erika P Says:

    Teary here too…great pictures, Anna. Congrats and best wishes to your sister, brother-in-law, and their sweet babies!

  17. Jess K. Says:

    only now able to write, needed a day or two to digest all this. Anna, you are always looking for scale, and you have it here. They are amazing, and we are pulling for them all the time! All our love headed to A & I . . .

  18. Maya Laurent Says:

    Congrats auntie!!! Love how you documented their little tininess! Best wishes to them as they grow!

  19. marie Says:

    Oh, wow, here they are! Much love from us all!

  20. Maria Juki Says:

    We are so happy for you and David. They are precious! Victoria can’t wait to be a babysitter! We love you and can’t wait to see you all!!!!!!!!!!!

  21. Dan Says:

    So cute! I can’t wait to see them in person!

  22. Freya Bloomer Says:

    Oh, I am so thrilled to see these beautiful babies, what a delight. Congratulations Kate you look spectacular! A model mother! I was delighted to read the 99 on the Richter scale. This is incredibly exciting. Welcome Isabella and Andrew, with love from Freya

  23. Tim Says:

    Thanks for sharing. Hard to believe that someday, not too far off, they’ll be nagging you for the car keys.

  24. Francis Says:

    Congrats on the birth of the twins. We will be thinking of you and the twins.

  25. Beverly Says:

    I’m so thrilled for you and David. Congratulations! Congratulations! Lots of Love!

  26. Beth Farrell Says:

    Congratulations Kat and David!! Isabella and Andrew are so beautiful and I hope they will be coming home soon!! You look great Kat!! Get lots of rest now okay and I hope you can all visit us at CMS soon! How lucky Bella and Andrew are to have you guys as parents!!

    Lots of love,

  27. christine Says:

    Congrats, Auntie Anna! Those photos sure bring back memories. The babies are absolutely beautiful.

  28. Michelle Bull Says:

    Congrats! They are so precious!

  29. Two is the magic number! « Hank & Willie Says:

    […] a look at their first days, born weeks and weeks too early, and now look at […]

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