Pat yourself on the back, part 2

So as promised this morning, the photo.

And a brief tutorial to help you understand just how incredibly fabulous this photo is. Which may not have been obvious as first glance.

The March of Dimes WalkAmerica event, April 1984, suburban New York.

Celebrity walker? Local resident John Schneider of the Dukes of Hazzard.

That’s me in the glasses and disdainful look. And the purse.

1a. The Expression

Facial expression is fabulous example of bershon, perhaps earliest known example in my photo collection. Frequently accompanied with eye roll and no-paparazzi-please-hand-in-front-of-face-gesture. If my children ever do that to me, I will buy imported chocolates and fine wine with their college funds. My mother was a SAINT to put up with me.

Friend Joanne graces my mother with a pretty smile. No bershon for her.

1b. The Glasses

While I looked like an owl or giant bug in my apricot-colored frames, I was part of a HUGE trend sweeping St. Mary’s School. When I searched the albums for this photo, I noticed TWO OTHERS in frames just as big and bug-like as mine. HOT, you might say

2. The Purses

If I remember correctly, Le Sport Sacs were the required vessel for us in seventh or eighth grade which is, I think, when this photo was taken. Joanne’s was a sophisticated gray and navy pin check; mine was classic navy. I’m sure both of them had these in them:

And maybe one of these:

And definitely one of these, even though I was walking with a friend. She had hers, too.

We were both listening to either:

A) Madonna

B) The Police

C) Michael Jackson or possibly

D) Air Supply

3. The Other People in the Photo

Not related to me or my friend, yet in my photo album for all time. My whole photo album from childhood looks like this.

4. The Outfits

Matching ‘big shirts” and while I have no idea what shirt I was wearing underneath (though I can see it is turquoise and my collar is up), I can tell you I was wearing some AWESOME jogging shorts. Probably these:

Those people on my right and left? No relation. I don’t know them.

I can confirm that these were all taken in 1984, though.

That’s my baby sister Maggie, born in June 1984. That’s me, proudly displaying my WalkAmerica teeshirt. And jogging shorts.

* * *

You’ve done it!

The team has exceeded the goal of $2,000 raised for the March of Dimes, in large part thanks to H & W readers.

I can’t begin to tell you how amazing you are. I’ll give you a few days to recover from the visual assault above and then will post the other promised gems. You know, to REWARD you.

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19 Responses to “Pat yourself on the back, part 2”

  1. Mike Says:

    Speechless, really. The glasses. Wow.

  2. carrievoris Says:

    ROTFL over here! Thanks so much for, um…sharing? That was great – a total blast from the past. And you know the only reason I’m laughing so hard is because it totally could have been me in ANY or ALL of those photos.

  3. Shannon Says:

    Love, love, love the pics!
    It is amazing that we survived this era of cruel and unusual fashion.

  4. JC Says:

    I should grab a photo of me with my big coke bottles to join you in the big glasses hall of fame. 🙂

    I’m kinda surprised there was no mention of t-shirts like:

    Frankie Says “RELAX”


    WHAM’s TShirt – ” CHOOSE LIFE “

  5. Molly Says:

    Hahaha I can’t believe that’s you! And the big shirts carried far into the early 90s because I wore them too. With puff paint and mirrors on them.

  6. amy Flood Says:

    Like OMIGOD, like so totally awesome!

  7. B. Says:

    totally HOT!

  8. elizabethews Says:

    You’re hot.

    At first glance I thought the Dr. Pepper was hairspray and I was confused. I see it now…

  9. laura Says:

    WOW! I can relate to all of that–even the big glasses–mine were sort of a peachy speckled color. I broke them “by accident” in 1990. I’ll have to show you Amily’s Sally Jesse glasses from the summer of 1987 when we were at summer camp together.

  10. Sheila Says:

    Oh my God. Those are hilarious. You are a brave women. I will take your cue and admit that I think I had the same pair of glasses.

  11. Stephanie Says:

    I think I am about the same age as your baby sister!

    Anyhow, those photos are CLASSIC. It’s funny who you listened to on that awesome WalkMan. Because that’s who’s on my favorite playlist on my iPod. 🙂

  12. sdh Says:

    I also had some big glasses. I had some hot pink Esprit ones, and they were bifocals which of course made them even hotter.
    thanks for sharing these awesome photos.
    what’s with the ladies in the first photo having big orange triangles on their backs? did they think someone was going to run them over ?

  13. JenBun Says:

    Ahhhhh… fashion trends. I can’t wait for my (imaginary) kids to make fun of my spectacular choices (someday)!

    And I STILL carry around Dr. Pepper LipSmackers. I’m just that awesome! 🙂

    You are a brave, wonderful soul for sharing all of this fantabulousness!

  14. Kate Says:

    I couldn’t have picked better ones myself! Although I am shocked you did not mention the coral necklace that graces your neck in the 4H fair shot. Everyone had one of those too! For the record, DZ has some Dr Pepper flavored lip balm.

  15. applecyder Says:

    i had big glasses too. they were orange to match my hair. horrendous!

    underneath all the 80’s garb, you still look pretty in that shot with your little sis.

  16. applecyder Says:

    i also meant to say:

    holy crap. you are funny.

  17. Christina Says:

    YAHOO for the fabulousness of these photos! And the fabulousness of surpassing goals!

  18. Because I had nothing else to do « Hank & Willie Says:

    […] Because now? I can watch a show I missed last week (SNL Election Special) or I can watch a show that I last watched in 1982 while sitting next to my sister in our flannel nightgowns (Square Pegs), looking like this. […]

  19. Something as simple as breathing « Hank & Willie Says:

    […] bet I can even find a few more embarrassing photos of myself to post if the March of Dimes gets some H & W donations this […]

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