No chicken, just babies

Hope that wasn’t too tasteless for you all, to have the naked babies anchoring a page on how to cook chicken breasts. By way of apology I give you more twin boys and fewer chicken breasts.

P.S. Cannot WAIT to see what my Google search terms reveal today!


Aren’t these onesies great? My co-photographer-in-crime for the weekend brought them as a gift for the wee ones, and we wasted no time making them into a photo prop.


And yes, Leo is larger than his brother Matt. They were just trying to make a point about NOT being identical twins!


They will have fun with these dollies one day. In the meantime, we had fun with them. A photograph with these colorful friends each month would be a great measure of how much they’ve grown!




Kinda makes you feel sorry for singleton babies, doesn’t it?

Thanks for having me, boys! Can’t wait til our next snuggle!

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13 Responses to “No chicken, just babies”

  1. Maggie Says:

    Those are all so sweet! Those parents are so lucky that you are capturing such a special time for them!

  2. Christina Says:

    You are forgiven, utterly and totally. How could we not forgive you after sharing this sweetness? Gah, they are darling. And you, my dear, are so creative and rock that black background.

  3. Molly Says:

    Ahhh the cuteness hurts!!!

  4. Katy Says:

    Breathtaking! You amaze me.

  5. thelandofka Says:

    Great shots, Anna! Love those onesies, too adorable.

  6. The Grandma Says:

    The recipe with babies did give me momentary shivers. Although when making dinner one night for the tired parents, I commented that the roast chicken weighed the same as Matt. Lovely photos without cooking instructions!

  7. Sarah Says:

    I’m always a little bit sorry for singletons. Twins rock, as do your photos!

  8. Maya Laurent Says:

    These are awesome Anna! I LOVE that last shot so much!

  9. Ellen Says:

    Beautiful baby boys!! And exceptional photos, Anna!!!

  10. MelodyA. Says:

    LOVE that first shot. So creative you.

  11. Chrissy Says:

    GORGEOUS. And I love those onesies, too cute. Looks like a fun photo shoot!

  12. melody is slurping life Says:

    I can barely stand the adorableness.

    Faving that last footsie shot.

  13. Whoops « Hank & Willie Says:

    […] time? We just need to add all the friends we missed this time, and at least two more sets of twins when they are ready to join this […]

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