Maine in pictures. Part 2.

Soooo, after shooting like a crazy person all fall, I have about eleventy billion photos to post. Pull up a chair and stay awhile, won’t you? JUST KIDDING.

I did just notice that I said Maine, Part 1 a few weeks ago, which suggests there ought to be a part 2. And there is.

Ellen and other Maine types who will be interested, I am actually going to send you the link to the rest of these early next week, can you believe it? Oh, and our summer photos will be in there, too. You are awfully patient with me.


Will at the coolest playground in Maine, possibly in the world.


Henry and Jake at the picnic table.


Sweet Caroline at the playground.


Jack and Will going for big air.


She actually does have two arms. Really.


Because you can never have enough jumping photos.







Thank you for a wonderful visit, we loved it!

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19 Responses to “Maine in pictures. Part 2.”

  1. Giselle Says:

    Wonderful pix.. was it a nikon camera u used?

  2. Anna Says:

    Thank you, Giselle, it wasn’t, it was a Canon 30D. But some of my best friends use Nikons! 🙂

  3. MelodyA. Says:

    Now, why are the rubberbands still on his pinchers? Isn’t he pretty much gone by that point? Love the angle of that first shot.

  4. Sara Says:

    That first shot is amazing and the others are just gorgeous!

  5. B. Says:

    Makes me want to go jump off of a picnic table!

  6. thelandofka Says:

    Wonderful shots of the kids – LOVE the jumping shot. Oh, fresh lobster…YUMMM.

  7. Ellen Says:

    Should you send that photo to Mini Boden (the one of Jack and will jumping off the picnic table)? Great advertisement for them. 🙂

  8. Maria Says:

    Great shots!

  9. Maya Says:

    I love the big air photo! And that lobster looks yummy!

  10. Bunny Says:

    These are just amazing! That first one is stunning!

  11. JenBun Says:

    As always, GREAT pictures!

    I love the jumping shots. And the leaves. Ahhh, the leaves! 🙂

  12. katherine Says:

    hey! what happened to your cute header –er, foot — shot at the top of the page?

  13. killlashandra Says:

    Your jumping shots are awesome!

  14. Erin Says:

    Ansel, I mean Anna, your photos are simply amazing. Absolutely beautiful!

  15. JC Says:

    just want to say


    the fotos

  16. Christina Says:

    Gettin’ some air and that first shot – AWESOME! I mean, they all are, but those just make me smile.

  17. Giselle Says:

    Which is better Anna? A nikon or a canon?

  18. Anna at Hank and Willie Says:

    Hmmmm…well, I can’t say, since I am a great admirer of photographers using Olympus, Nikon, Pentax, Leica and Canon…but call me a Canon girl.

  19. Giselle Says:

    How about features and technology wise…?

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